
Your mind is racing every night…

… constantly thinking about what needs to be done and what can go wrong.

Your heart starts beating fast – sometimes you can hardly breathe. There it is – it’s a panic attack (yet again), and you can’t stop it.

You’re terrified.

Maybe you’re scared you’re not performing at your best at work or your family expectations are overwhelming, and you feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day.

Your need for perfection is getting the best of you and is making you feel completely stuck as if you can’t move forward if everything is not 100% perfect.

Those intrusive thoughts take over your brain; you feel like you can’t break free from them. You need to do something about it.

You don’t get enough rest because you keep thinking about what you have to do tomorrow or what you could have done differently yesterday. Feeling unrecognized and underappreciated if you don’t make everything perfect is just a normal part of your day. Who are you trying to impress?

This constant overwhelming feeling that appears at some odd times in the day.

You continuously doubt yourself because you are convinced that something bad is going to happen.

You have this feeling in your chest, stomach, head, hands, or all over your body. Sometimes it’s hard to describe it.

You feel like your mind is like a TV constantly changing channels, and you can’t just focus on one.

You can’t reach your full potential going through life like this.

It feels like anxiety is ruling your life…

And it’s taking a toll. Your health keeps deteriorating, those headaches, muscle tension in your neck, shoulders, and back are starting to affect your posture.

Have you done the research to check and see how anxiety can affect your physical health?

If you don’t take care of this, you’ll be facing complete burnout. Maybe alcohol or other substances might help “for a little bit” and give you “temporary relief,” but you know everything is the same when you wake up. It doesn’t solve anything.

If anxiety keeps taking over your life, you can lose control over everything you have worked so hard to achieve. You can’t function at your best with your partner, loved ones, friends, or at work. You know you can feel better but are unsure how to get there.

You are ready to make the change and let go of it all.

Therapy can help you address the core of your anxiety.

It’ll give you the inner peace you need by helping you satisfy your own necessities and staying true to your own emotions. Sometimes our emotions feel worse than they are because we reject them and try to “fight with them,” which makes it 10 times harder. Understanding your internal dialogues and negative thinking patterns can give you control over your emotions.

My techniques involve getting in touch with your emotions, helping you have dialogues with different aspects of yourself that you might not be aware of. When I use the empty chair technique, I see my clients recognizing the core of their feelings and unsatisfied needs, which gives them the power and courage to identify what they need to do, and that alone is a huge relief.

Understanding your symptoms and connecting your body sensations to your emotions is a compelling resource that can help you understand yourself and increase self-acceptance. Do you think that tension in your neck, back, shoulders, or that tightness in your chest is only telling you that “you’re stressed”? Believe me; there is a lot more than that! Our body is wise, and it sends us “signals” that something is going on. We need to “read” and interpret those signals because they have a lot more emotional content than you think.

It is so wonderful to see my clients feeling that INSTANT relief once they can identify their true emotions and connect with them. At the same time, I offer unconditional acceptance and support. I wouldn’t trade my job for anything!

You are the priority here.

You deserve to live in peace and free of fears that constantly stop you from reaching your goals.

It’s time to stop letting your fears take control of your life and preventing you from achieving everything you have dreamed.

This is the time when YOU tackle your fears and focus on success. Call me today for a FREE 30-minute phone consultation, and let’s talk about how I can help: (786) 520-5122.